ASC makes a terminal tool which supports VT420 and PC-ANSI graphics. Informal testing indicates that the tool is compatible with ClarisWorks. The tool adds color ANSI graphics support.
Below are the file description and Read Me file for the demo tool available in the Claris forums and Claris BBS. The demo version supports sessions up to 8 minutes long. If you decide to use the tool, you can purchase a fully functional version from ASC.
Enclosed is vt420 and PC-ANSI terminal tool for the Communication Toolbox (CTB). The CTB is part of your system if you run Sys 7 or later an can be installed on Sys 6.0.4 or later.
This tool offers full color support (also in vt mode), ANSI graphics, speed, drag & drop keyboard mapping and much more....
When used with 5PM Term or 5PM Pro from ASC it also offers full Printer Support by re-directing terminal printer stream to your local or LAN connected Macintosh Printer.
The tool can be used over LAT, modem, serial, ADSP and TCP/IP (with our telnet tool called TCPack).
The demo can also be downloaded from Internet at anonymous FTP path "pub/ascus/".
P.O. Box 160549
Cupertino, CA 95016-0549
phone : (408) 725 4242
fax : (408) 725 4243
Internet :
This Installer will install :
asc420/ANSI Terminal tool for DEC-VT420 and PC-ANSI emulation.
Installation Procedure
The Installer requires that you run Apple's System version 6.04 or higher.
If you run System 6.x, make sure that you have installed Apple's Communication Toolbox before using this Installer.
The connectivity tools will be installed into your active "Extensions" folder if you are running System 7 or higher or into your active "Communications Folder" if you are running System 6.x.
Fonts Installation Procedure
On System 7.1 or higher the Installer will copy the required fonts into your active "Fonts" Folder.
For older systems the fonts will be put into a folder called "Fonts - Put into System" located on the same level than the 5PM Pro and 5PM Term applications.
You will then have to copy these fonts into your "System" file using the "FontDAMover" application if you are running System 6.x or by dragging them onto your System file or folder if you are running System 7.
Required Third Party Products
Some of the ASC products require some third party software or hardware in order to be used.
This third party software is not provided with this demonstration version for legal reasons.
Most of the third party drivers are however provided with the commercial product.
The following third party products may be required to fully test the enclosed products:
Communications Toolbox
Apple's Macintosh Communications Toolbox is required to be installed in your system before you install ASC products. If your Macintosh is running version 6.x of the System Software you will have to make sure that the Communications Toolbox is installed. The Communications Toolbox is already integrated in System 7 or higher.
Apple's MacTCP driver is necessary in order to test our TCP/IP related tools TCPack and FTPack.
Version 2.0.2 is recommended by Apple for use with System 7.1. It is fully compatible with System 6 and 7.
LAT connectivity is shipped with the commercial product, but not included with this demonstration version. LAT connectivity for the Communications Toolbox can be purchased from APDA.
The Connectivity Environments
Our Environments are a collection of tools and drivers which allow you to connect to the host environment of your choice. Remember that these environments might also work for configurations of which they do not bear the title. We are working on new environments, and are open to suggestions to help us serve you better.
This environment allows you to connect to UNIX and VAX type systems, using VTxxx terminal emulation. The asc420 terminal tool is capable of emulating VT400, VT100, VT220, VT320, VT52, as well as PC/ANSI and VT100-AU/X. It allows you to connect to almost any type of UNIX system, as well as many of the bulletin boards and mail services. Connections can be made using TCP/IP, LAT, ADSP, serial connection as well as via almost any modem. Files can be transferred to and from the host using FTP or simple XModem. Other connections or file transfers (such as DECNet or Kermit) can be made by using other existing third-party tools.
IBM Mainframe
This environment allows you to connect to IBM mainframe systems, using IBM-3270 terminal emulation. The asc3270 terminal tool is capable of emulating IBM-3278 Models 1 through 5, as well as IBM-3279 Models 2 and 3. It allows you to connect using either SNA or TCP/IP to IBM computers running systems such as VM/CMS, MVS/TSO and CICS/VS. Files can be transferred using IND$File or FTP.
This environment allows you connect to IBM AS/400 systems, using IBM-5250 terminal emulation. The asc5250 terminal tool is capable of emulating IBM-3477, IBM-3179, IBM-3180, IBM-3196, IBM-5292, IBM-5291, as well as IBM-5251. It allows you to connect using either SNA or TCP/IP. Files can be transferred using FTP or the Text file transfer tool.
Demonstration Version Validity
All ASC products provided with this Installer will be fully functional until March 15, 1994. After that date the basic demonstration will allow you test the product for sessions not exceeding 8 minutes.
If at that stage you would like to extend your evaluation period, please contact us :
In the US and Canada :
Company : ASC
Address : P.O. Box 160549
Zip/City/State : Cupertino, CA 95016-0549 / USA
Phone : (408) 725 4242
Fax : (408) 725 4243
compuserve : 73243,36
E-mail :
In Europe :
Company : ASC
Address : 9551, route de Saint Laurent du Var
Zip/City/State : F-06610 La Gaude / FRANCE
Phone : (33) 93 24 76 00
Fax : (33) 93 24 76 06
E-mail :