ClarisImpact Performs some Operations very Slowly using TimesTwo

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Certain operations in ClarisImpact could slow down dramatically if TimesTwo file compression is installed.

There are several different compression technologies in use today. The two most common are "File Compression" utilities and "Driver Compression" utilities. File compression utilities give you more space on your hard disk by making each file smaller. Driver compression utilities give you more space on your hard disk by telling the hard disk drivers that there is more space available to store files.

TimesTwo is a driver compression utility, while AutoDoubler and Now Compress are two products that compress your files rather than your drivers.

Golden Triangle Computers, Inc.
11175 Flintkote Avenue
San Diego, CA 92121

Now Compress
Now Software, Inc.
319 SW Washington Street, 11th Floor
Portland, OR 97204

Fifth Generation Systems, Inc.
10049 N. Reiger Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012