ClarisImpact & Draw: Option-Copy from Illustrator does not Work Properly

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Holding the Option key down while copying a picture in Adobe Illustrator allows you to copy PostScript art into another application via the clipboard. Illustrator generates a PICT Preview so that you can see the art on the screen after you paste.

However, ClarisImpact and ClarisDraw print both the PICT Preview and the PostScript art. The PostScript version of the object prints on top of the PICT Preview, so when printed the object may appear to have a jagged edge as if it were a bitmap.

Save your PostScript art from Illustrator as EPSF and import the EPSF into ClarisImpact or ClarisDraw using Place File... from the File menu.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012