ClarisImpact: Presentation: Master Page changes

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
When editing the Master Page of a Presentation document you may get the message, "Update all existing Titles and Bodies with the text format and position of the current Master Title and Body?" with three button choices; "Yes", "No" and "Cancel".

1. Clicking "Yes" will update all of your EXISTING slides to conform to the modified Master Slide. This may be problematic if you have changed some of the slides to be slightly different than the Master Slide. For instance, you may have decided to change the Label type of Outline on one slide or maybe the color of a Title on one slide has been changed. If this is true and you click "Yes" then specific slides settings will be erased.

2. Clicking "No" will not update any current slides but will change any new slide to follow the new Master Slide changes. This method is best used when current slides have modified individually. By clicking "No" you will be able to keep changes to existing slides but have the new Master Slide apply to all new slides that are made.

3. Clicking "Cancel" will discard all new changes made in the Master Slide.

Hints for creating slides:
When creating slides it is a good idea to think through the presentation first. Determine whether all the slides are going to be based on the same Body and Title or whether they are going to vary. In this way you will be able to use the information in this article to plan your strategy better.

NOTE: Only changes to the Body or Title in the Master Page will cause the above message to appear. This might be caused by the movement of the Title or Body or by the changing of the text attribute in the Title or Body. Making changes to the background color of the Master Slide will not cause this message to appear.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012