ClarisImpact & Draw: What Connectors can Connect to

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Connectors only 'connect' to certain points of objects and groups. Below is a list of kinds of objects and the points on them that connectors will connect to.

Lines: endpoints, midpoints
Squares, Rectangles,Notes, Text frames: line endpoints and midpoints, object centerpoint
Circles, Ovals: 3, 6, 9 and 12 o'clock and centerpoint
Rounded rectangles: line end and midpoints, and the endpoints and midpoints of the arcs that make up the corners, and the centerpoint of the rectangle
Smoothed polygons: endpoints and the midpoint of the polygon
Unsmoothed polygons: any control point on the polygon
Groups: Group centerpoint, group cornerpoint, and the midpoints of the bounding rectangle lines of the group
Connectors: Cannot connect
Framed models (tables, data charts, calendars, time lines): Frame endpoints, midpoints and centerpoints of models
Unframed models (org charts, flow charts, outlines): frame end- and midpoints, centerpoints or models

You can connect to other points in a model if you ungroup the model. To do so, cut the model, paste it, and ungroup it. The model will become a graphic object and you will not be able to use any of the model commands or functions, but you will be able to connect to points on the objects.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012