ClarisImpact: When converting from Outline to Org Chart, how do I get Information into the Title Field?

There is a feature in ClarisImpact that allows you to convert an Outline to an Org Chart. Since an Outline and Org Chart are based on a similar hierarchical structure this method works mostly as expected (See page 4-23 of the User's Guide for instructions).

The only issue the manual does not cover well enough is how to get data from an Outline Topic or Subtopic into a second or third field on the same Org Chart Position (it does mention the following solution on page 9-14 of the User's Guide).

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Use a Shift-Return to separate lines within an Outline Topic or Subtopic. When converting to an Org Chart, ClarisImpact will interpret these special returns as the beginning of a new field within the same Org Chart Position.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012