ClarisImpact: Sharing data with MacProject Pro

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
ClarisImpact Timelines can be created using MacProject Pro data. To share data, follow these steps:

1. Go to any chart in MacProject Pro that can display the columns: Start Constraint, Start On, Start no earlier than, Start no later than, Earliest Start, Finish Constraint, Finish no earlier than, Finish no later than, Finish On, Latest Finish, Duration, Actual Start, Actual Finish and % Done.

2. Organize up to 7 columns in the SAME order as the ClarisImpact column order listed below. If you only want to place one column into ClarisImpact export that one column.

Impact columns are ordered:
Task Name
Planned Start
Latest Finish
Actual Start
Actual Finish
% Done

3. Export the data in TAB DELIMITED format.

4. Open a ClarisImpact Timeline and place you cursor in the first cell.

5. Display as many (or more) rows as you wish to place

6. Display the columns you wish to place data into.

7. With your cursor in the first cell, select Place fileÉ from the File Menu.

If you do not expand the columns and rows to accommodate all the data that is to be placed, only part of the data displays as transferred. Keep in mind that exporting Start and Finish dates from MacProject allows you to create a ClarisImpact timeline that looks very similar to one you create in MacProject, but there may be extra slack or an unmeetable finish that you may need to adjust.Share data MacProject Pro timeline
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012