Timeline not Calculating Dates Correctly

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
This issue is fixed in version 1.0v3.

ClarisImpact 1.0v1 and 1.0v2 do not correctly calculate when using weeks with less than seven days. The most common example is the five-day week (excluding Saturday and Sunday). Try this example to see the issue:

1. Create a new Custom Timeline with a five-day week.
2. Change the Data Display... to show Duration and Planned Start.
3. Change the Duration of the first Task to be 1 day.
4. Change the Planned Start to February 18th, 1994 (Friday).

Notice that Task 2 calculates the Planned Start as Saturday even though you have told it to calculate based on a five-day week.

In the above example, change the Duration in Task 1 to be 1.01 days. The Planned Start in Task 2 will now calculate correctly. In general, add .01 to any duration where the dates are not being calculated correctly.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012