XTND Bridge Translators not Changed by Preferences

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
ClarisImpact allows you to modify the way that specific graphic translators operate. For example, you can set your EPSF Export translator so that the Macintosh color header information is not included, if you wish to take your EPSF files to a PC.

To modify those translator settings, choose Preferences in the Layout menu, choose the Translators preference icon, choose the translator that you wish to modify and click Set.

However, you cannot modify XTND translators that are accessed through the XTND Bridge. This Preference section only allows modification of XTND translators that ship with ClarisImpact.

DataViz is a common distributor of XTND translators that require the XTND Bridge to work with Claris applications. The telephone number for DataViz is 800-733-0030.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012