ClarisWorks: Pasting Text From Compton‘s Interactive Encyclopedia

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
ClarisWorks and FileMaker Pro may encounter issues when pasting text that has been copied from Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia version 2.02VW.

When pasting into a ClarisWorks WP document, the Edit menu will appear selected and it will seem as though the text is just taking a long time to paste. Only a "force quit" will get you out of this state (Command-Option-Esc).

When pasting into a text field or layout in FileMaker Pro, an alert will appear that states, "Sorry, this operation could not be completed because you have exceeded the text block limits."

Workaround #1
If you have a copy of either TeachText or SimpleText, free text utilities from Apple Computer, Inc., paste the text into a new TeachText or SimpleText document and save. To open this new file from within ClarisWorks:

1. Choose Open from the File menu.

2. From the Document Type pop-up, choose Word Processing.

3. Select your Teachtext or SimpleText document and click Open. (The translator is able to "filter" the offending data)

There has been some success pasting the CIE text into MacWrite II or MacWrite Pro as well, it depends on whether the text that was copied from CIE contains specific hidden control characters.

Work around #2
If you don't have access to TeachText or SimpleText and ClarisWorks is your only word processor application, you can strip these hidden characters by pasting the text into a ClarisWorks Communications document.

To set up a ClarisWorks Communications document for this purpose:

1. Open a new Communications document.

2. From the Settings menu, choose Connection.

3. Select Serial Tool from the Method pop-up and click OK.

4. From the Settings menu, choose Terminal.

5. Choose TTY Tool from the Emulation pop-up. Also select these other options: Width, 132 columns; Size, 9 point; Characters, Show control characters; New line on a return; Click OK.

7. From the Session menu, choose Open connection.

8. From the Edit menu, choose Paste.

9. From the File menu, choose Save. Save this as a Text file.

This new text file can then be inserted into another document or opened through the Open dialog box. The drawback of this technique is that there will be some extraneous carriage returns due to the line feeds (one every 132 characters). These can be eliminated with the ClarisWorks Find/Change option.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012