How to Make All Flow Chart Model Styles Available

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
On page 5-4 & 5-10 of the ClarisImpact User's Guide, and in the ClarisArt booklet, there are screen shots showing all of the available Flow Chart Model Styles and Symbol Sets. However, the complete set of available Styles and Symbol Sets is not automatically installed. To make the full Symbol Set available, follow the instructions below:

1. Quit ClarisImpact if it is running.
2. Locate the folder named, "Full FlowChart Style Set". This folder is automatically installed in the "ClarisImpact Color Styles" folder in the "ClarisImpact" folder. If the folder is not present, use your ClarisImpact installation disks to reinstall it.
3. The "Full FlowChart Style Set" folder contains two files with the same names as two files in your "ClarisImpact Color Styles" folder, "FlowChart Styles" and "FlowChart Symbols". Replace the files in the "ClarisImpact Color Styles" folder with the two files in the "Full FlowChart Style Set" folder.
4. Launch ClarisImpact and you will have full Flow Chart Symbol Sets and Model Styles.

WARNING: If you have added custom Symbols or Model Styles then the procedure above will delete them. Move any custom Styles or Symbols into a Library or a saved document for temporary storage so that you can copy them back after following the steps above.

NOTE: The same procedure can be done if you are using ClarisImpact B&W Styles. The black and white version of the "Full FlowChart Style Set" folder and all of the associated files is located in the "ClarisImpact B&W Styles" folder.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012