ClarisWorks: Using SoftWindows

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
ClarisWorks for Windows requires a 386 (or higher) CPU, due to the fact that it requires Windows to be running in 386 Enhanced Mode. This is not possible on 286 (and lower) machines, or on any machine which lacks a sufficient amount of RAM.

SoftWindows software from Insignia Solutions allows Macintosh users to run Windows and Windows-based programs on their Mac. However, at the present time SoftWindows emulates Windows running on a 286-class machine and therefore does not support running Windows in Enhanced Mode. Consequently, ClarisWorks for Windows will not run on a Macintosh (including Power Macintosh computers) running SoftWindows.

This will change if/when Insignia Solutions produces a version of SoftWindows which supports Enhanced Mode. In the meantime, customers can purchase ClarisWorks 2.1 for Macintosh (or the native Power Macintosh version).
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012