Ruler Settings and Alignment Issues in the ClarisWorks Paint Environment (PT)

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The AutoGrid in Claris Graphics Products is an invisible grid that aligns objects when created or moved with the Mouse. The Autogrid is modifiable. This means that you can turn it on or off as well as set the grid spacing.

The MacDraw, ClarisImpact and ClarisWorks Drawing environment grids are determined by the ruler settings. The maximum value that should be used is 72 divisions per inch, since this number represents the maximum resolution of a Macintosh Monitor and the minimum distance that object movement can be accomplished, which is 1 pixel or 1/72 of an inch.

The ClarisWorks Painting Environment represents an entirely different situation. Setting the divisions in the Rulers command has absolutely no effect on the grid spacing in the Paint Environment. This is because the Paint Environment is bit mapped, or pixel based instead of vector or object based. What does effect the grid spacing is the Grid Size command under Options.

The Grid Size can be set to 2,4,18,16 and 32 pixels. This also is represented as x/72 of an inch. When reduced these fractional measurements become 36th's 18thÕs or 9thÕs of an inch. Note that the selection of a grid size of 1 pixel is not offered as this is identical to turning off the Autogrid.

For this reason the Ruler Settings in the Paint environment default to 9 divisions per inch. The means that the large divisions on the ruler represent a third of an inch not a quarter as normally expected. Setting the ruler to the standard 8th's, 16th's, or 32nd's will make it impossible to align objects to the ruler in the Paint environment when using the mouse or keyboard to create or move objects.

In a mixed Draw/Paint environment Ruler Settings become an even more important consideration. The ruler settings are defaulted by the Drawing environment to 8 divisions per inch. In this situation it will be impossible to align Paint objects to Draw Objects aligned to the ruler with the mouse or keyboard unless the ruler is set by the user to non-standard values (9th's) or the Autogrid is turned off. It should be noted that a Draw environment can't be created in the Paint Environment so having a mixed environment naturally default to a ruler setting of 9th's never occurs. If this is desired, create a blank document and save it as a stationery document.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012