Newsletter-Draw Sample: Line Spacing and Frame Links

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
In the Sample Files folder installed with the ClarisWorks 2.1v3 software, the Newsletter-Draw sample displays oddly as follows:

1) The paragraphs on the left side of each page have huge line spacing. Clicking into these text frames would display "13pt" in the line spacing, but that is not correct.

To readjust the line spacing:
a) Double-click into the first column of text on page 1.
b) Choose Select All from the Edit menu.
c) Select Paragraph from the Format menu, and change the Line Spacing units to "Lines(li)" so that it reads "1 Lines (li).
d) Click OK, then do the same steps to the first column of page 2.

2) The second column on page 1 wraps around the chart object, but continues to wrap above the object. Follow the steps above to change the line spacing in this column to 1li.

3) Columns 1 and 2 on page 1 are not linked, so text will not flow from one to the other. This can be fixed as follows:

a) Double-click into column 2 of page 1.
b) Choose Select All from the Edit menu.
c) Choose Cut from the edit menu.

d) Select the pointer (arrow) tool.
e) You should now see selection handles (small black squares) around the empty second column. Press the delete key on your keyboard to remove the empty column (do not cut the column, or you will lose the text you took out of the column).
f) Double-click into the first column, then click at the end of the text in that column.
g) With your cursor at the end of column 1, press Return once to move to a new line.
h) Select Paste from the Edit menu. You should see an "x" appear in the bottom right corner of the column. The "x" indicates that text is flowing down beyond the column.
i) Select the pointer (arrow) tool.
j) You should see a black triangle pointing out of the bottom of the column. Click that arrow once.
k) Your cursor should now be an I-beam with a small line through the upper portion of the I-beam. Click and hold your mouse in the upper left position of the second column (you will need to guess where that will be, because there is nothing to indicate where the old column was).

l) Still holding the mouse button, drag you cursor to the lower right position of the second column. When you let go of the mouse button, the remainder of column 1 text should flow into column 2.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012