Finding Incompatible Extensions

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Following are the steps you can take once you've confirmed that an extension is causing a issue to actually find the incompatible extension.

If you have an Extension manager control panel, use that to disable all extensions and then enable a few at a time, Restarting after each group. In this way, you can work more quickly than one at a time.

If you don't have an Extension manager, use the following method:

1) Open the System folder. Choose New Folder from the File menu. Drag the resultant new folder to the Desktop. You will not need to rename the Untitled folder. A handy place to put it is right above the Trash.
2) Open the Extensions folder. Choose View by Kind from the View menu and make the window wide enough so that you can see the Kind column. Scroll until you see files of kind "system extension." Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard in order to select several files at once and click each system extension except for ones titled System Enabler. Once selected, you can drag them to the Untitled folder.

3) Choose Restart from the Special menu and see if the issue has been resolved. (If it hasn't, one of the files in the Control Panels folder or a system extension in the System folder itself may be the issue. Add them to the Untitled folder. Close the System folder and Restart again.
4) Select several files from the Untitled folder, write down their names, and drag them onto the System folder. They will go into the proper folder. Then Restart and see if the issue has returned.
5) Continue Step 4 until the issue returns. When it does, you know that the incompatible extension is in the last group of files you added. Continue to narrow down which one it is by removing files of that group one by one until the issue is resolved again.

Follow the same steps above, except for Steps 2 and 3. In their place, open the System folder, choose View by Kind from the View menu and select all files of type "startup document" or "control panel", and drag them to the Untitled folder.


Make sure you have the latest versions of both the extension and the application. You should contact the publishers of the extension and the application to tell them about the incompatibility and to see if they have any suggestions.

(If you have a question, post it in the message boards. The boards are located in the product folders in the Technical Support folder.)

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012