Decimal Tab Does Not Align Numbers Properly When Printing to a Hewlett Packard DeskWriter

This issue is particularly common when some data has been underlined.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

If the decimal tabs are not aligning even though the screen looks OK and all techniques have been followed for aligning decimal tabs, you might need to look at whether you are using an Hewlett Packard Deskwriter. If so, make sure their HP Fonts are installed in the correct folder in the system folder. (The HP Fonts belong in the HP Folder in the Preferences folder. Restart and rebuild desktop and all should be well.)

This issue is especially pronounced when aligning three decimal tabs underneath each other with the middle section underlined. Hewlett Packard tech support says printing with True Type Fonts does not perform well when underlining is used.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012