Inserting or Opening PICT, EPSF or GIF Files with ClarisWorks on a Performa

Inserting or Opening PICT, EPSF or GIF Files with ClarisWorks on a Performa may result in the appearance of strange or garbage characters.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Opening or inserting files that are in PICT, EPSF or GIF format may result in the appearance of garbage text on a Performa. To avoid this, select Control Panels from your Apple menu at the left-hand side of your menu bar next to the File menu. Open the Performa control panel. Deselect the options, system protection and application protection. Now insert or open the file again. The correct translator should now be able to convert the file successfully.

This control panel conflicts with the Claris XTND system and translators' ability to accurately convert the file formats.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012