How to Open a Particular ClarisWorks File when Launching the Application

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
In Program Manager, under File, choose Program Item (this is referring to icons). In the Description section, type whatever description you wish. In the Command Line, type the EXACT location of the file (i.e. which directory it is located in) along with the file name EXACTLY as it appears in File Manager. For example, a ClarisWorks file called "Billings.cwk" that is in the "CWORKS" directly on your C drive will have an icon with these properties:

Description: My billing file
Command line: C:\\CWORKS\\Billings.cwk
Working directory: C:\\CWORKS

To select an icon, you then proceed to click on the "change icon" button and select an icon.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012