'Cross-Works Apple II <> IBM PC File Exchange Utility' by SoftSpoken Inc. to the rescue. This utility will allow you to transfer your Apple II AppleWorks data to a IBM PC compatible by using the serial port of both computers, and will convert the information at the same time to a popular IBM application format that could be used in ClarisWorks, below is a partial list of it conversions:
AppleWorks Word Processor to Generic Word Processor
AppleWorks Spreadsheet to Lotus 1-2-3 v2.01
AppleWorks Data Base to dBASE III, III+, IV
The Generic Word Processor, Lotus, and dBASE data could then be brought into ClarisWorks for Windows and used.
(Cross-Works can translate from AppleWorks Word Processor to WordPerfect v4.2 documents; however, the WordPerfect translator in ClarisWorks requires WordPerfect v5.1 documents).
For future information please contact:
Softspoken Inc.
P.O. Box 18343
Raleigh, NC 27619
Mention of third party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Claris assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of third party products.