This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
What is not as readily apparent when you open the box, though, is the fact that the on-screen help that ships with ClarisDraw is dramatically different from the on-screen help that shipped with MacDraw Pro. The new on-screen help that ClarisDraw uses features interactive definitions (click on certain words and definitions appear on-screen); search by topic or article text; the ability to "retrace your steps" while looking at articles; the ability to view a table of contents or topics alphabetically; note-taking capability; and much more. You can also easily print any portion of the on-screen help that you want.
So we changed the way the User's Guide provide information, and we dedicated more resources to the on-screen help. While the manual details procedures, it frequently refers you to the on-screen help for specifics. The on-screen help is designed to be the place that you go for explanations of specific features; it is more comprehensive than the User's Guide. The User's Guide, however, does provide an excellent overall view of the product. The on-screen help and the User's Guide complement each other to provide you with the most assistance possible, obtained as easily as possible.