Creating a Simple Macro in ClarisWorks - A Tutorial (All)

This is a portion of an article that originally appeared in the ClarisWorks Journal, the monthly publication of the ClarisWorks Users Group, Box 701010, Plymouth, MI 48170; (313) 454-1969; Fax: (313) 454-1965. Copyright ClarisWorks Users Group; reprinted with permission.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Applications for macros become more obvious once you start to use them, so let's create our first macro. This macro will teach ClarisWorks how to type your name with a single keystroke. The process involves telling ClarisWorks to capture your keystrokes and assigning a key combination to the keystrokes it memorizes. Then ClarisWorks will repeat the keystrokes when you type the keys you specified.

Follow these steps to create the macro:

1. Go to the File Menu and select "New." Indicate that you want to create a new word processor document.

2. Go to the File Menu, press the mouse button, and move the cursor down until it is over "Macros." The Macro Menu will appear to the right (see Figure 1). Select "Record Macro." (Alternatively, you can issue a Command-Shift-J to start to record the macro.) ClarisWorks will display the Record Macro Dialog Box that appears in Figure 2.

3. Use the Record Macro Dialog Box to (a) define the keys you will press to invoke (or "run") the macro, and (b) assign a name to the macro.

Put the cursor in the box to the right of "Option + Command + Key" and type a lower case "n" (for "Name"). You should assign your macros to lowercase characters. Otherwise you will need to press four keys to launch your macros.

Press the Tab Key and enter "My Name" as the name for the macro. Then press the Return Key.

4. The flashing microphone icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen indicates that you are recording a macro. Now you will enter the text you want ClarisWorks to type when you enter an Option-Command-n.

Type your name. If you make a mistake, use the Delete Key to erase the error and retype the correct keystrokes. Although ClarisWorks will memorize the wrong keystrokes and your presses of the Delete Key, the macro runs so quickly that you needn't be concerned about the extra keystrokes.

5. Stop recording the macro by issuing a Command-Shift-J or by going to the Macros Menu and selecting "Stop Recording" from the Macro Menu. The flashing microphone icon will disappear.

Now test the macro. Put the cursor anywhere in a document and press Option-Command-n. ClarisWorks will type your name.

Figure 1.
Macros Menu

Figure 2.
Record Macro Dialog Box

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012