ClarisImpact: STR 128 Error with Updater

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The ClarisImpact Updaters were developed to bring previous versions of ClarisImpact up to the current version. The updater will currently function only with United States, single-use versions of the software. Site Licensed customers must receive a new disk set to update their licensees.

When running the ClarisImpact 1.0v2 or 1.0v3 Updater, the following error message may be seen: "Could not update ClarisImpact because it is not the file that this updater was designed for - the STR 128 is different". This message could be in error.

If you are running a U.S. single-use ClarisImpact, do the following: Run the ClarisImpact Installer, and select the "Customize" button. Select the "ClarisImpact Application" custom install option, then click "Install." When installation is complete, run the updater on the newly installed version.

STR 128 contains the current styles directory name. The only way this resource gets changed is when the "ClarisImpact w/B&W Styles " custom installer option is used. Installing a new application installs ClarisImpact with the default resource string "ClarisImpact Color Styles" which is the string expected by the updater.

Note: This is the same for both the 1.0v2 and 1.0v3 updaters.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012