ClarisDraw 1.0v1: Text Blocks Get Smaller When Converting From MacDraw Pro

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Caption Text blocks may shrink slightly when converting from MacDraw Pro to ClarisDraw 1.0v1. What this means is that the last word on a single line of text may wrap to create a second line. Try this example:

1. Open MacDraw Pro and choose the Text Tool.
2. Click your mouse once anywhere in the document.
3. Type, "Mary had a little lamb".
4. Select the Text block with the Arrow Tool and set font to Geneva.
5. Convert to ClarisDraw.

If you have not used layers in your MacDraw Pro document you can save to PICT format (Copy and Paste will not work nor will saving to MacDraw II format).

Caption vs. Paragraph Text Block:
A Caption Text Block is created when you click your mouse with the Text Tool. A Paragraph Text Block is created when you drag with the Text Tool. You can change a Caption into a Paragraph Text Block by selecting it with the Arrow Tool and resizing it.

This issue is resolved in ClarisDraw 1.0v2.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012