ClarisImpact: Organization Charts and Flow Charts Do Not Print or Print Blank Pages

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
If you create an organization chart or flow chart in ClarisImpact that is wider or taller than 113 inches, you will not be able to print it. It might print some blank pages, or all of the pages may be blank.

This is a QuickDraw limitation that affects the printable area of both organization charts and flow charts.

Claris Product Development is aware of the issue.

Here are some suggested workarounds:

1) The easiest workaround is to ungroup the organization or flow chart before printing.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you ungroup the organization or flow chart, it will lose its links and chart characteristics. Be sure to save a copy of the chart first and ungroup the copy. Keep the original file as a grouped model so that you can do edits and updates.

To ungroup the copy, when you're working in the organization chart (or flow chart), click once outside the boundary of the model. This will select the model itself, as a grouped object (note the four selection handles). Now, choose Ungroup from the Arrange menu. You should see an alert with a warning "Once ungrouped, you will not be able to edit the model using model tools and commands. Continue?" Click Ok if you wish to ungroup the model objects and lose their special characteristics, as mentioned above.

2) Assuming you are using a default organization chart style and direction, consider changing the direction from top-down to left-to-right. Changing the direction to right-to-left will take up less space.

3) In an organization chart, change the worker layouts of the levels that take up the most space to one of the two vertical options. The easiest way to do this for a large organization chart is through level settings.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012