ClarisWorks 2.1v3 Disk Contents (Macintosh) and Installation Guide

An itemized list of the disk files for ClarisWorks 2.1v3 for the Macintosh and where they will be installed on your hard drive

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

The ClarisWorks 2.1v3 Disk Set for the Macintosh (a total of 3 disks) contains the following items. File sizes of individual items are approximate. Files ending in ".sit" indicate compressed files that will be uncompressed during the installation process.

Disk 1
Install ClarisWorks (142K)
Installer (154K)
Installer Files (folder)
ClarisWorks Labels.sit (2K)
Palettes.sit (8K)
Samples.sit (204K)
Stationery.sit (232K)
Tutorial.sit (24K)
US English - Hyphenation.sit (40K)
US Thesaurus.sit (112K)
XTND (folder)
Acta 3.0.sit (4K)
AppleWorks DB/SS.sit (8K)
AppleWorks GS.sit (4K)
AppleWorks.sit (6K)
ASCII.sit (4K)
Claris XTND System.sit (18K)
ClarisWorks 1.0 Text.sit (16K)
DBF.sit (6K)
DIF.sit (6K)
EPSF PFLT.sit (6K)
GIF.sit (4K)
MacPaint 2.0.sit (4K)

MacWrite 5.0.sit (8K)
MacWrite II.sit (8K)
Microsoft Excel 3-4.sit (22K)
Microsoft Word 3.0.sit (14K)
Microsoft Word 4-5.sit (16K)
Microsoft Word PC.sit (8K)
Microsoft Works 1.1.sit (6K)
Microsoft Works 2.0.sit (6K)
Microsoft Works DB/SS.sit (6K)
Movie.sit (2K)
PICT.sit (4K)
RTF.sit (12K)
SYLK.sit (12K)
Text.sit (2K)
TIFF.sit (16K)
WinWord.sit (24K)
WordPerfect 1.0.x.sit (10K)
WordPerfect 2.x.sit (48K)
WordPerfect PC 4.2.sit (10K)
WordPerfect PC 5.0.sit (6K)
WriteNow NeXT.sit (10K)
WriteNow.sit (12K)

Disk 2
Claris Help System.sit (32K)
ClarisWorks Help.sit (158K)
ClarisWorks.sit (516K)
Communications (folder)
Apple Modem Tool.sit (76K)
Claris Kermit Tool.sit (32K)

CTB Resources (78K)
Serial Tool.sit (16K)
Text Tool.sit (14K)
TTY Tool.sit (34K)
TTYFont (8K)
VT102 Tool.sit (62K)
VT102Font (14K)
XMODEM Tool.sit (30K)
Main Dictionary.sit (136K)
User Dictionary (2K)

Disk 3
ClarisWorks.sit (734K)

NOTE: Disk 3 will only be used by the Installer if you are installing onto a Power Macintosh computer.

When doing an Easy Install, the contents of the disk set will be installed onto the hard disk as follows:

At the root (main) level of your hard drive:
ClarisWorks 2.1 (folder)
ClarisWorks (656K)
Sample Files (folder)
ABOUT Sample Files (44K)
Business Cards (144K)
Checkbook (76K)
Lease vs. Purchase (48K)
Logo Ideas (76K)
More About Shortcuts (64K)
Mortgage Analyzer (32K)
Name & Address-Extended
Newsletter-Draw (20K)
Personal Stationery-Fancy (8K)
Presentation-Draw (12K)
Rsum A (8K)

Rsum B (8K)
VT320 Keys (8K)
Tutorial Folder (folder)
Artwork for Letterhead (12K)
Employee of the Month (4K)
Pegasus Logo (8K)
Sales Performance (32K)
Sample Objects (16K)

Into the Extensions folder of your System folder:
Apple Modem Tool (172K)
Claris Kermit Tool (64K)
Serial Tool (36K)
Text Tool (28K)
TTY Tool (64K)
VT102 Tool (148K)
XMODEM Tool (68K)

Into the Claris folder of your System folder:
Claris Help System (60K)
Claris Translators (folder)
Acta 3.0 (8K)
AppleWorks (28K)
AppleWorks DB/SS (16K)
AppleWorks GS (8K)
ClarisWorks 1.0 Text (36K)
DBF (12K)
DIF (12K)
GIF (8K)
MacPaint 2.0 (8K)
MacWrite 5.0 (16K)
MacWrite II (20K)
Microsoft Excel 3-4 (60K)
Microsoft Word 3.0 (32K)
Microsoft Word 4-5 (36K)

Microsoft Word PC (20K)
Microsoft Works 1.1 (16K)
Microsoft Works 2.0 (16K)
Microsoft Works DB/SS (16K)
Movie (4K)
RTF (28K)
SYLK (24K)
Text (8K)
TIFF (32K)
WinWord (64K)
WordPerfect 1.0.x (36K)
WordPerfect 2.x (136K)
WordPerfect PC 4.2 (20K)
WordPerfect PC 5.0 (20K)
WriteNow (32K)
WriteNow NeXT (24K)

Claris XTND System (40K)
ClarisWorks Help (492K)
ClarisWorks Labels (8K)

ClarisWorks Stationery (folder)
ABOUT Stationery (48K)
Business Stationery (40K)
Fax Cover Sheet (40K)
Internal Memorandum (44K)
Mail Merge Letter (40K)
Name & Address-Standard (32K)
Newsletter-WP (20K)
Personal Stationery-Std. (8K)
Presentation-Outline (48K)
To-Do List-Outline (36K)

Colors and Gradients (folder)
16 Hues (4K)
Pastel (4K)

Rainbow (4K)
Strange (4K)
Vivid (4K)

Main Dictionary (168K)
US English - Hyphenation (88K)
US Thesaurus (152K)
User Dictionary (4K)

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012