This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Balloons (Party) (16K)
Bicycle B&W (4K)
Birthday Cake (16K)
Book1 (Open) B&W (8K)
Books B&W (8K)
Champagne (16K)
Christmas Tree (16K)
Coffee Cup B&W (4K)
Coin (4K)
Compass B&W (4K)
Copier B&W (4K)
Dollar Bill B&W (4K)
Dollar Symbol (4K)
Easter Egg (4K)
Envelope B&W (8K)
First Aid (4K)
Fragile B&W (8K)
Gift (8K)
Graduation Cap B&W (4K)
Hammer B&W (8K)
Hand1 B&W (4K)
Hand2 B&W (8K)
Helicopter B&W (4K)
Horse B&W (8K)
Ice Cream Cone (4K)
Information (4K)
Macintosh B&W (4K)
Man Symbol B&W (4K)
Menorah B&W (8K)
Money B&W (20K)
No Entry (4K)
No Smoking (4K)
North America B&W (16K)
North Symbol B&W (4K)
One-Way Traffic B&W (8K)
Palm Tree (8K)
Personal Computer B&W (4K)
Pliers B&W (12K)
Rabbit B&W (4K)
School Bus B&W (4K)
Scissors B&W (8K)
Shapeburst1 (4K)
Shapeburst2 B&W (8K)
Shapeburst3 (4K)
Shapeburst4 (4K)
Shapeburst5 (12K)
Shapeburst6 B&W (4K)
Skier B&W (4K)
Snowflake B&W (4K)
Snowman (4K)
Star1 B&W (4K)
Star2 (4K)
Star3 B&W (4K)
Star4 (4K)
Star5 (4K)
Stop Sign B&W (4K)
Teacher & Pupils B&W (4K)
Telephone1 (4K)
Telephone2 B&W (8K)
Two-Way Traffic B&W (4K)
United States B&W (44K)
USA Outline B&W (4K)
Woman Symbol B&W (4K)
World Outline B&W (24K)
Wreath (12K)
Wrench B&W (12K)
Introduction to ClarisWorks (1512K)
Read Me (12K)
Into the Extensions folder of your System folder:
Apple Modem Tool (168K)
Claris Kermit Tool (64K)
Serial Tool (36K)
Text Preview (4K)
Text Tool (28K)
TTY Tool (64K)
VT102 Tool (148K)
XMODEM Tool (68K)
Into the Claris folder of your System folder:
Claris Help System (188K)
Claris Translators (folder)
Acta 3.0 (8K)
AppleWorks (28K)
AppleWorks DB/SS (16K)
AppleWorks GS (8K)
ClarisWorks 1.0 Text (36K)
DBF (12K)
DIF (12K)
GIF (8K)
MacPaint 2.0 (8K)
MacWrite 5.0 (16K)
MacWrite II (20K)
MacWrite Pro 1.x (52K)
Microsoft Excel 3-4 (60K)
Microsoft Word 3.0 (32K)
Microsoft Word 4-5 (36K)
Microsoft Word PC (20K)
Microsoft Works 1.1 (16K)
Microsoft Works 2.0 (16K)
Microsoft Works DB/SS (16K)
Movie (4K)
RTF (28K)
SYLK (24K)
Text (8K)
TIFF (32K)
WinWord (64K)
WordPerfect 1.0.x (36K)
WordPerfect 2.x (136K)
WordPerfect PC 4.2 (20K)
WordPerfect PC 5.0 (20K)
WriteNow (32K)
WriteNow NeXT (24K)
Claris XTND System (40K)
ClarisWorks Assistants (folder)
Address List (200K)
Calendar (52K)
Envelope (32K)
Find Document (52K)
Footnote (44K)
Newsletter (476K)
Presentation (360K)
Table (24K)
ClarisWorks Help (3572K)
ClarisWorks Labels (8K)
ClarisWorks Stationery (folder)
Border (8K)
Certificate A (8K)
Certificate B (68K)
Checkbook and Ledger (72K)
Expense Report (20K)
Fax Cover Sheet (8K)
Investment Tracker (24K)
Invitation A (16K)
Invitation B (24K)
Lease vs. Purchase Analyzer (12K)
Letterhead (4K)
Memorandum (4K)
Mortgage Analyzer (32K)
Notice (8K)
Personal Stationery (8K)
Promotional Flyer (8K)
Rsum A (8K)
Rsum B (8K)
To-Do List (8K)
VT320 Keys (8K)
Colors and Gradients (folder)
16 Hues (4K)
Pastel (4K)
Rainbow (4K)
Strange (4K)
Vivid (4K)
US English - Hyphenation (92K)
US English - Spelling (168K)
US English - Thesaurus (152K)
User Dictionary (8K)
Into the Fonts folder of your System folder:
Arial MT Cn Lt (72K)
Bodoni MT Ultra Bold (44K)
Gill Sans Condensed Bold (40K)
Klang MT (44K)
New Berolina MT (48K)
Old English Text MT (84K)
Script MT Bold (52K)
NOTE: Fonts are installed into the Fonts folder only if you are using System 7.1 or later. If you are using System 7.0.1 or earlier, these fonts may be installed elsewhere in your System folder.