When attempting to open or insert a PICT file, the following text appears inside the inserted frame: "QuickTime and a Photo - JPEG decompressor are needed to see this picture." This can occur in any application that supports graphics handling, including ClarisDraw, ClarisImpact, and ClarisWorks.
Images saved from the QuickTake camera and its software are, by default, compressed PICT files. There are two ways to open, insert, or place these files.
Method 1
Install QuickTime software and a JPEG decompressor extension into your system folder, then reboot the computer. You will then be able to open or insert QuickTake files. (QuickTime version 1.6 or later works and is included with System 7.1 and later; QuickTime version 1.0 does not; QuickTime version 1.5 was not tested.)
QuickTime is an option installed with System 7 software. It is a file installed in the Extensions folder inside the System Folder. If it is not there, run the Installer program on your System 7 disks. In the installation window, click the Customize button. Then scroll down, click on QuickTime, then click Install.
A JPEG decompressor called "JPEGView JFIF Preview" is included with JPEGview. JPEGview is a shareware program available from the usual shareware sources (America Online, CompuServe, user groups, etc.). Drag this file into the Extensions folder, then reboot the computer.
Method 2
Open the QuickTake images in the QuickTake software. Save as PICT (no compression) or a TIFF file. Either of these file types can be opened in ClarisDraw, ClarisImpact or ClarisWorks without QuickTime and a JPEG decompressor.
Please note, though, that the uncompressed PICT may be 10-20 times larger than the JPEG compressed PICT. This is normal.