When attempting to install ClarisWorks 3.0v1 on a 68000 Macintosh, such as an SE or Classic (NOT the Color Classic), which is running System 7.5, you will not be able to use the Installer. Double-clicking on the Installer icon will present the erroneous message: "The software requires a 68000 coprocessor which this computer does not have". Make sure that you are double clicking on the application icon and not the Introduction to ClarisWorks 3.0 self running demo icon.
The error occurs using either the ClarisWorks 3.0v1 HD (High Density) disk set or the 800K disk set. Custom install is not an option, because you cannot get to the Installer.
This error does not occur under versions of the System prior to 7.5.
Suggested workaround:
1) Consider using System software prior to 7.5
2) Install the ClarisWorks on another Macintosh, then copy the files to the 68000 computer. Pages 6 and 7 of the ClarisWorks Installation Guide give a detailed description of the files installed and their locations.
If the Macs are networked, you can copy the files to the 68000 Macintosh via the network. If not, you will need to use a compression utility (such as DiskDoubler or Stuffit) to fit the installed files onto floppies before copying them to the destination Macintosh.
Claris Development is aware of the issue, but at this time we do not know when a fix will be forthcoming.