During installation of ClarisWorks for Windows 3.0, it is possible to receive the following error message: "Unable to copy Claris Installer to temporary location due to lack of disk space."
This error is not related to available hard drive space. It can be generated in any of the following situations:
1. You are running some form of anti-virus software that is resident in memory. VSAFE, which ships with the latest version of DOS, is one of the many anti-virus utilities that could conflict with the ClarisWorks install program. Claris recommends that you temporarily disable all anti-virus software before installing any Claris application. To check and disable anti-virus software, do the following:
a.) Check your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files for programs that look like they could be anti-virus software. Some common ones are VSAFE, BOOTSAFE, and NAV. If you find any lines resembling these in the CONFIG.SYS file, you can prevent them from loading by typing REM^ at the beginning of the line on which they appear. [For clarity, a caret ( ^ ) is used in this example to represent a space.] When your system is rebooted, lines with REM^ in front of them are ignored and not loaded by your system. If you use MSDOS 6.0, you can hold down the F8 function key to step through the CONFIG.SYS file line by line and selectively load what you want. If you use MSDOS 6.2, you can hold down the F8 function key to step through the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files line by line and selectively load what you want.
b.) Check to see if any anti-virus software is loaded at the Windows level. The two most common places in which anti-virus software could be loaded are the STARTUP group and the WIN.INI file. If you find an anti-virus software icon in your Windows STARTUP group, temporarily remove it from the STARTUP group and place it in another Program Group. The next time you start up Windows, the anti-virus software will not be loaded.
c.) To check your WIN.INI, open this file (located in the Windows directory on your hard disk) up in any text editor and look to see if you have any virus software listed on either the RUN= line or the LOAD= line. If you find a reference to anti-virus software on either line, the entire line can be temporarily disabled by placing a semicolon (;) in front of it. The next time you start up Windows, it will ignore any line that begins with a semicolon.
Once ClarisWorks is installed correctly, all anti-virus software can be re-enabled simply by removing the semi colon added in the steps above, since the conflict does not occur during normal operation.
2. Another situation where you may get the "Out of Disk Space" error when installing ClarisWorks 3.0 is when the memory configuration isnÕt optimized correctly. This can occur if device drivers and other memory resident programs are loaded into lower memory areas. This can be easily checked and corrected by running MEMMAKER (if you use MSDOS 6.0), OPTIMIZE (for QEMM users) or the equivalent for the memory manager being used. This will load many device drivers into upper memory and free up more conventional memory.
3. This error can also occur if the installer has issues creating / copying the temporary directory used during the installation process to your hard drive. To check this, get to the point where the error dialog box is displayed, then ALT+TAB to the Windows File Manager and see if the C:\\~MSSTFQF.T directory exists at this point. If it doesn't exist, there is some fundamental issue in creating the directory on that drive. If it doesn't exist, you can manually create it and rerun the install program.
4 . USE THIS AS A LAST RESORT -- Make a directory called CW30 off the root directory of your hard drive and within the CW30 directory create directories for each floppy in the installation set (i.e. DISK1, DISK2, DISK3, etc.). Copy in DOS (using XCOPY with the /S parameter is recommended) the relative floppy contents into each directory. Switch to the DISK2 directory and type: "APPSETUP C:\\CW30", but don't include the quotes. This should initialize the installer without copying files to the C:\\~MSSTFQF.T directory.