Auto-Enter Dates Cannot be Found

Dates entered using the Auto-Enter feature cannot be found using Find or Match Records unless the Date field was at the top of the layout when the record was created.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Dates entered using the Auto-Enter feature cannot be found using Find or Match Records unless the Date field was at the top of the layout when the record was created. This includes Auto-Entered Creation Dates and Modification dates.

1. Use Find/Change to change all the dates that are not working correctly. You could easily automate with this process with a Shortcut Macro.
2. Verify the layout you create records from has the Date field on it and it is at the top. Consider a Macro for creating Records. This Macro could switch to a layout that has just the Date field on it, create a new record and then switch to the layout where you want to enter data.

This issue occurs with all versions of ClarisWorks including 2.0v1, 2.1v2, 2.1v3 and 2.1v4.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012