Sort Macro NOT Working in ClarisWorks Database

During the recording of a Macro that Sorts a database it is necessary to click the Clear button before designating the Sort Order.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

During the recording of a Macro that Sorts a database it is necessary to click the Clear button before designating the Sort Order. Otherwise, a Sort Order from a previous Sort may conflict with your Macro such that the Macro adds to your previous Sort Order. Here are the steps to recreate this issue.

1. Create a new database with two fields (field1 and field2).
2. Record a Macro that Sorts by field1.
3. Manually Sort by field2.
4. Run your Macro and then choose Sort from the Organize menu to see what Sort the Macro Dialog box shows both fields under the Sort Order.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012