When trying to open a saved communications document on a PowerMac under System 7.5, where the Express Modem Tool was selected as the communications connection, the document will not open and will generate an error of -11. Claris does not provide the Express Modem Tool as part of the ClarisWorks package and has not tested or certified its compatibility with ClarisWorks.
ClarisWorks 3.0 does save and open communications documents properly when using the Apple Modem Tool 1.5.3. This tool also fully supports the Express Modem. The recommended settings are as follows:
Modem: Apple Express Modem
Error Correction: Optional
Correction Type: Hardware
Baud: 19,200 if connecting to an auto baud modem otherwise match
modem speeds if 9600 or slower
Handshake: DTR&CTS
Parity, Stop: Determined by connection