The Installer works by copying the compressed disk files to your machine, then decompressing them and deleting the compressed versions. So you will temporarily need enough room on your hard disk for BOTH the compressed and decompressed versions, minus any redundant files that the Installer finds already on your hard disk. (Example: dictionary or translator files.) Since the actual total can vary from machine to machine, it's best to assume that the maximum amount of space will be required.
Installation Grand Total (compressed and decompressed, approximate):
68K: 14.2 MB
Power Mac: 16.5 MB
Installation Disks (TOTAL of all six):
68K: 4,608K
Power Mac: 4,596K
Individual Parts After Installation (in K):
68K Power Mac
===== =========
Application 1,248 3,746
ClarisArt* 2,105 2,105
Help System 2,343 2,343
Samples 457 457
Palettes 24 24
Fonts 1,200 1,200
Dictionary 336 336
XTND 1,163 1,163
===== ======
TOTAL 8,876 11,374
*This figure is for the "minimal" ClarisArt, which is the default choice upon installation. The entire ClarisArt set requires 7.5 megabytes of disk space.