Importing Desk Gallery Images and Using the Kudo Image Browser

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Desk Gallery is a collection of 30,000 clip art images for use with products such as ClarisWorks. It includes a product called the Kudo Image Browser. In order to use some of the images in this collection, the Kudo Image Browser must be properly installed because it updates the XTND TIFF file translator. Some of their graphics are in the TIFF file format and are compressed using LZW compression. These files need this updated translator in order to be imported.

They have also found that some of their images are too large to import into a ClarisWorks paint document, regardless of how much memory is allocated to the application. These images can be successfully inserted into a word processing document, however.

It is also recommended that the memory allocation for any application be increased to accommodate these sometimes large and complex graphics.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012