ClarisWorks: Recording a Macro to Insert the Current Date

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Currently there is no feature for inserting the current date into a spreadsheet. It is, however, quite easy to create a Macro to accomplish this task (if you don't want to just type it in).

Use the following steps:

1) Select Record Macro from the File menu under Shortcuts

2) Click on Record in the Record Macro dialog (If you wish to use this Macro again give it a name, such as Today's Date)

3) Click into the cell you wish the date to appear in and type:


4) Hit enter on your keyboard (NOT return)

5) Choose Copy from the Edit menu

6) Choose Paste Special From the Edit menu, check box for "values only"

7) Choose Number from the Format menu and select the date formatting you wish to have appear

8) Select Stop Recording from the File menu under Shortcuts

You will now see today's date showing in that cell. If you have selected a formatting that spells out the month name, you may get ####### in your cell. If you do simply widen your column to see the date.

If you wish for this date to be placed in another cell of the spreadsheet, click into the field you want it to appear in and the select Play Macro from the File menu under shortcuts, and select the name of the macro you just created, it will place the current date in whichever cell you run the macro from, and it will appear in the format you chose when you recorded the macro.

NOTE: After choosing Record Macro, do not choose a different cell to work with of Claris Works will record that movement in the Macro.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012