ClarisWorks 3.0: Datasheet

ClarisWorks - The all-in-one answer for business, home and education

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

What makes ClarisWorks software your best all-in-one answer for business, home and education? First, it does everything you do-easily. Like letters, memos, reports, budgets, presentations, proposals, flyers, mailing labels, contact lists, newsletters-and virtually anything else.

Second, the word processing, spreadsheet, database and graphics functions in ClarisWorks are completely integrated-so you learn just one program, not half a dozen separate ones. You'll also appreciate the way it works-from its consistent menus to the effortless way you combine words, graphics, tables, images and even video on a single page.

Third, ClarisWorks steps in to help get your documents done fast. ClarisWorks Assistants guide you through complex tasks and even provide expert advice on document layout and design. And 150 push-button Shortcuts reduce common operations to a single click.

And then there's its extraordinary lean, compact design. Built for lightning fast speed, ClarisWorks conserves precious disk space and battery life-perfect for laptops.

Features and Benefits

One Powerful Application for All Your Documents

- All-in-one Integration - Access word processing, outlining, spreadsheet, charting, presentation, graphics, and paint tools all on a single page.
- Shortcuts - Speed through your work with instant push-button access to 150 of the most common operations.
- WYSIWYG Display - Always "What You See Is What You Get"-from the screen to the printed page. View and edit documents while you work; no separate modes or windows needed to preview headers, footers, or footnotes.
- Share Files - Open either Macintosh or Windows ClarisWorks documents instantly- without translation. Easily share files with popular Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, and DOS programs.
- Slide Show Presentations - Create and deliver professional slide show presentations on screen with master background and movies.
- Fonts and Clip Art - Produce attention-grabbing documents by using seven bundled fonts and 75 clip art images.
- Ultra-compact and Speedy - Minimal disk and memory requirements make ClarisWorks perfect for even modestly configured and notebook computers.
- Communications - Use integrated communications environment for Macintosh or Windows Terminal Accessory support to connect with online services or the Internet.

Complete Word Processing for Professional-looking Results

- Versatile Formatting - Customize tabs, margins, indents, line spacing, automatic hyphenation, and justification. Use type faces, styles, sizes, headers, and footers for the appropriate look.
- Multiple Columns - Size columns on screen to fit your exact needs-with full access to rulers and tabs. Even create different size columns on the same page.
- Text Wrap - Flow text automatically around any graphic or chart on the page for a sharp, polished look.
- Writing Tools - Access all the information you need to write correctly with 110,000 word spell checker, 660,000 word thesaurus, and word counter.
- Outlining - Organize documents quickly with six predefined outline styles, or create your own.
- Mail-merge with Database - Personalize form letters and mailings directly from your database.
- Automatic Footnotes - Create perfect footnotes. The Footnote Assistant prompts you for needed information and formats footnotes perfectly.

Spreadsheet and Charting Tools Bring Numbers to Life

- 100 Built-in Functions - Analyze your data using the built-in mathematical, statistical, financial, date, time, logic, and text functions.
- Dazzling Charts - Communicate information more effectively using 12 chart types, including bar, pie, line and hi-low close charts. Change fonts and adjust orientation, size, colors, patterns, 3D effects, and more to illustrate your point.
- Instant Tables - Use the Table Assistant to create a table in any ClarisWorks document, formatted to your exact specifications.
- Spreadsheets - Add spreadsheets of any size to your documents on command and position them exactly where you want them.

Colorful Graphics Highlight Your Message

- Comprehensive Graphics Tools
- Create graphics instantly with tools for lines, rectangles, ovals, and more.
- Select from 100 fill patterns and up to 256 colors.
- Smooth and reshape curves and shapes with the bezigon tool for precise graphics.
- Gradient Fills - Add pizzazz to your documents, using 16 black & white or 16 color gradient patterns.
- Full Color Painting - Edit scanned images and add vibrant color effects with special paintbrush, paint bucket, and spray can tools.

Database to Easily Access and Manage Your Data

- Versatile Search and Sort Functions - Select, group, and identify the data you need by specifying search parameters. Quickly organize information with automatic sorting.
- Mailing Labels - Generate labels effortlessly with over 50 predefined Avery formats.
- Visual Reports - Lay out your data on screen exactly the way you want it to appear.
- Automatic Field Entry and Verification - Avoid repetitive data entry and ensure field consistency and accuracy by creating pop-up lists of data.

Get Started Easily and Quickly

- ClarisWorks Assistants - Have expert Assistants quickly step you through design and layout tasks like formatting footnotes, printing envelopes-even creating presentations.
- On-Screen Introductory Tour - Receive a brief introduction to many ClarisWorks capabilities. Get basic instruction so you can get started without reading a single manual.
- Templates - Get started quickly. Claris includes ready-to-go documents that you can use as is or customize to meet specific needs.
- On-screen Help - Receive on-screen answers to your questions without having to refer to the manuals.

ClarisWorks Does It All!

Isn't it about time you had all the tools you need for your everyday projects in one place? Whatever you need to do, ClarisWorks has everything you need to get it done. Word processing. Spreadsheet. Charting. Graphics. Database. Painting. Instead of buying separate applications, ClarisWorks provides it all in one. So you're assured of tools that work together to tackle complicated jobs in record time. And nobody makes it easier or more affordable.

For more information and the location of a Claris reseller near you.

Specifications For Macintosh

File Formats Supported

Word Processing - Acta 3.0, AppleWorks 2.0-3.0, AppleWorks GS, ClarisWorks 1.0-2.1 text, MacWrite®, MacWrite II, MacWrite Pro, MS-Word 3.0, 4.0, 5.1, MS-Word PC, MS-Works 1.0-2.0, MS-Write, WordPerfect 1.0-1.02, WordPerfect 4.2-5.0 PC, WriteNow 1.0-2.2, WriteNow NeXT

Spreadsheet - MS-Works 2.0 SS, MS-Excel 3.0, 4.0, SYLK, DIF, DBF, AppleWorks SS, ASCII Text

Database - MS-Works 2.0 DB, DIF, DBF, SYLK, AppleWorks DB, ASCII Text

Graphics - EPSF, GIF, MacPaint 2.0, PICT, PICT 2, Apple QuickTime Movie, TIFF

Required Equipment

- Any Apple 68000 including Macintosh Plus, Centris, Classic, LC, SE, Performa, PowerBook, II, Quadra or Power Macintosh family computer
- Hard disk drive and 1 MB RAM minimum
- 2 MB RAM required for System 7 and communications environments
- System software 6.0.5 or later, or System 7 or later

Printer Support

- Apple LaserWriter, Personal LaserWriter, and ImageWriter families, and Apple StyleWriter
- Hewlett-Packard LaserJet, DeskWriter, and PaintWriter families
- A wide variety of other Macintosh-compatible, third-party printers

Specifications for Windows

File Formats Supported

Word Processing - DOS Text (*.TXT), Rich Text Format (*.RTF), Microsoft Word for DOS 5.5, Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0, 6.0, WordPerfect for DOS 5.1, WordPerfect for Windows 5.1, 6.0

Spreadsheet - Microsoft Excel 3.0, Lotus 1-2-3 (*.WKS and *.WK3), SYLK (*.SLK), DIF (*.DIF), Text/ASCII (*.TXT)

Database - Borland dBASE (*.DBF), SYLK (*.SLK), DIF (*.DIF), Text/ASCII (*.TXT)

Graphics - Aldus/Windows Metafile (*.WMF) 3.0 or 3.1, Computer Graphics Metafile (*.CGM), Encapsulated Postscript (*.EPS), Macintosh PICT (*.PCT), TIFF (*.TIF), Windows Bitmap 3.1 (*.BMP), Zsoft Paintbrush (*.PCX)

Required Equipment

- PC with 386DX/25 Mhz or higher processor
- Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later; MS DOS 5.0 or later
- One hard disk, one 3.5" floppy disk
- 4 MB RAM (8 MB recommended)
- VGA or better video
- Mouse

Printer Support

- PostScript printer such as Apple LaserWriter and IBM LaserPrinters
- Hewlett-Packard LaserJet, PaintJet and DeskJet Series
- A wide variety of other Windows-compatible printers
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012