Adjusting Line Spacing by Changing Character Size

Typically, line spacing can only be adjusted in half line increments. If you want more control over line spacing you can use the font size of a space character to change the line spacing.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

In most programs line spacing can only be changed in half line increments. In ClarisWorks, line spacing can also be changed by manipulating the font size on each line. To change the line spacing this way, select the last space on a line and increase it's font size. As the font size is increased, the line spacing will increase to accommodate the larger font. Note that if a space character is chosen that is between two words but not at the end of the line, those two words will be separated differently than the other words so this is not recommended.

Note: This process should only be used after all text has been entered. Changes made to the text after font sizes have been changed could result in the space character, used to adjust the spacing, being moved to a different line. This would result in one of the lines not having the adjusted spacing.

If the program has a search and replace that also changes the font size and type, then a global search and replace can be done to change all spaces to the same font size and type. This will result in the same word spacing throughout the document. By changing the font being used to a narrower version of a larger font, the same thing can be done without changing the word spacing. The gap between the words with line spacing set to 1.5 is 0.16 inches verses character spacing set to 13 points space character is 0.14 inches.

Example: type some text using Helvetica 12 pt. with 1.5 line spacing. The text will look like this:

Sample Text for line spacing using space character font size. Sample Text for line spacing using space character font size. Sample Text for line spacing using space character font size.

Change the last space characters to 18 point Helvetica. The text will look like this:

Sample Text for line spacing using space character font size. Sample Text for line spacing using space character font size. Sample Text for line spacing using space character font size.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012