ClickBook 2.1 Read Me File

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Click Book Read Me
Notes for release 1.2

How to print this document as a booklet
Overview: What ClickBook does
Recommendations for exploring ClickBook
About layouts
Sample files
ClickBook's Customized Page Setup commands in popular applications
Uninstalling ClickBook
Late-breaking News
Print Driver incompatibilities
ClickBook * BookMaker Corporation 1993, 1994, 1995

Thank you for purchasing the award winning ClickBook printing utility. We hope you'll enjoy using it and get hooked on printing easy-to-handle booklets!

How to print this document as a booklet
For detailed instructions, see the ClickBook help system (bring up ClickBook and click on the Help tab). In the Help Contents list, double-click on the Introduction to ClickBook topic and explore the topics.

After printing this document as a booklet, if the back sides of the sheets did not print correctly, double-click on the Solutions to Possible Problems topic and read the One side is double-exposed or upside-down! help topic.

Overview: What ClickBook does
ClickBook prints your documents -- from any Macintosh application in booklet form or other easy-to-handle formats like brochures. It prints multiple pages on both sides of a single sheet of paper. When you choose a booklet layout, ClickBook arranges the booklet pages on the printed sheets so that after you cut and bind the printout, you have a correctly paginated booklet.

You prepare your document as usual in your application program and choose print. After you click OK in the Print dialog box, ClickBook pops up.

In ClickBook, you select a layout and then click the Print button. That's all there is to it!

Recommendations for exploring ClickBook
To learn about any element (list or button, etc.) in ClickBook, you can use Balloon Help. ClickBook has a feature that allows you easily use Balloon Help. Just hold down the control and shift keys, and then point the cursor at the item that you want help for. (This also works for System 6.) This gives information such as what it does, and how to use it.
Try clicking on the layout illustration to cycle through all the available layouts.
Address book is one of our favorite layouts. It is handy for any information you'd like to carry with you in your wallet or a pocket.
Remember that your pages will shrink, so use large enough fonts to be readable in the layout you choose. For the Address book (folded) layout, we recommend at least a 20-point font for readability. We recommend using TrueType fonts, because they are fully scalable.

Note: If you have already prepared pages of the exact size you want them printed and therefore do not want ClickBook to shrink them, choose the No scaling option on the Modify Layout tab. See the Help topic Scaling for more information. (To find it, go to the Help tab and choose either Reference Information about... in the Help Contents or Scaling in the Help Index.)

About layouts
First, to discuss layouts clearly, we need a couple of definitions.
Page will mean a page according to your application's pagination of your document, which is the same as the resulting booklet page. It may end up smaller, but it will contain the same data.
Sheet will mean a sheet of paper, on which ClickBook may print several pages.

This section will be easiest to understand if you skim it once, and then reread it while looking at various layouts in the picture on the Main tab of ClickBook.

What is a layout? It is a detailed specification of how ClickBook must arrange the pages on the sheet of paper. Some of the essential details are whether the sheet orientation is portrait or landscape, how many pages are printed across and down on one sheet, and whether to print single- or double-sided. Fine-tuning settings are also part of each layout, such as sizes of margins and binding space.

Each layout also specifies the pagination method to be used, which ClickBook must match to how you will bind the finished book. There are four general binding schemes. We call the corresponding layout types cut book, folded book, tri-fold and tiled.

The tiled layouts are designed for printing multiple pages on a sheet but not cutting the sheets. Folded books are designed for folding between facing pages, and stapling. Other methods of binding, which require cutting between facing pages, require cut book layouts. Tri-folds are single sheet brochures that are folded in thirds. Single-sided book layouts are designed for you to photocopy as double-sided, resulting in a correctly paginated double-sided booklet or brochure.

Sample files

We have included various sample files in this release for the following applications. The files are:

Sample Files            (Claris): version:

ClickBook ReadMe        (ClarisWorks) (ClarisWorks 4.0)
Calendar                (ClarisWorks 4.0)
Wine County             (ClarisWorks 4.0)
Industrial Davis Group  (ClarisWorks 4.0)
Sample Files            (Microsoft):   version:

ClickBook ReadMe        (Word)   (Word 4.2)
Wine County             (Word 4.2)
Industrial Davis Group  (Excel 2.0)

If you have any of the above applications you might want to try printing some of the sample files with ClickBook!

Note: you must have the version listed above (or later). Earlier versions use different file formats.

ClickBook's Customized Page Setup commands in popular applications
We have included the capability for a document to remember that it is a ClickBook document. If your application correctly supports Page Setup, and most applications do, then you can turn on ClickBook for specific documents. Just choose Page Setup in your application's File menu. ClickBook will add a checkbox at the bottom of the dialog. Choose to use ClickBook. If you then save your document, this setting will be saved with the document.

If your application doesn't correctly support Page Setup, all is not lost. Since there are some applications that do not, we have included a ClickBook Setup Control Panel. With this Control Panel, you can choose to always use ClickBook, never use ClickBook, or to use ClickBook through Page Setup. Just choose the always option, and then print from your application. (Do not forget to set the Control Panel back.)

Uninstalling ClickBook
Uninstalling ClickBook is a simple process. Drag the following applications and files into the trash.

1. The control panel ClickBook Setup found in the Control Panels folder.
2. The folder ClickBook Prefs Folder found in the Preferences folder (which is in the System folder) for System 7 and later. For System 6, you will find it in the System folder.
3. ClickBook (the application), which is generally located on your hard drive in the ClickBook folder.

Once you have emptied the Trash and restarted your Macintosh, ClickBook will be completely removed from your system.
Late-Breaking News
The environment in which ClickBook runs is constantly changing, but we are trying our best to keep up...

Duplex Printers:
ClickBook works great with duplexing printers (printers that can automatically print on both sides of a piece of paper). However, there is no way for ClickBook to automatically know that you have such a printer. Even if it could tell, ClickBook still could not tell if you are choosing to use the printer's duplexing capabilities. Therefore you need to specifically tell ClickBook that you want to print duplex.

To do this, go to the Modify Layout tab and choose Duplex. ClickBook now thinks that this layout is a duplex layout. You still need to tell the printer of your intention to print duplex. To do this, click the Page Setup button on the Modify Layout screen. You will be presented with two dialogs, Page Setup and Print. These dialogs will vary, according to your printer and print driver. However, somewhere in these dialogs will be an item that allows you to put your printer in duplex mode. Choose that and then click on Save in Modify Layout.

Print Driver incompatibilities
There are some print drivers out there that cause ClickBook some problems. Here is some information on print drivers we know we have some problems with right now.

StyleWriter II drivers, before 1.2. (To check the version number of your driver, choose Page Setup from some application. The driver version number will be displayed near the upper-left corner.) If you have a driver older than 1.2, you may experience some clipping problems (portions of a page missing). The older versions of the driver do not handle clipping correctly in certain scaling situations. ClickBook does a lot of scaling, so this causes the problem to surface more often than normal.

LaserWriter 8 drivers. There are also some clipping problems, and as with the StyleWriter driver, they are due to scaling. (To check the version number of your driver, choose Page Setup from some application. The driver version number will be displayed near the upper-left corner.) If you are experiencing problems, try using an older LaserWriter 7.x.x driver. As of this document, LaserWriter 8.1.2 was still causing us some problems. Hopefully, future versions of the LaserWriter 8 driver will address this. (It seems that we work just fine with any flavor of LaserWriter 7 driver.)
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012