Claris Impact: Movies Startup and Stop Differently When Using Markup

There are some platform-specific differences in the way that Macintosh and Windows movies will have their playback interrupted.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

A ClarisImpact slide presentation can contain movies (QuickTime on the Macintosh, AVI on Windows). When using the slide markup feature, a movie will be interrupted and stop playing. The point of interruption differs on each platform.

On the Macintosh, when using markup, holding the mouse button down (mouse-down) stops a movie; on Windows it doesn't stop until the mouse button is released (mouse-up).

To see this on Windows:
1. Open a ClarisImpact Windows presentation
2. Place an AVI movie.
3. Open Slide Show dialog.
4. Select Markup, Auto Play, and Complete Play Before Advancing.
5. Click Start.
6. After the movie begins, hold down the mouse and markup the slide.

Notice that the movie doesnÕt stop playing until mouse-up; on the Mac, it stops at mouse-down during markup.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012