Getting the Best Results with the HTML Translator

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
When using the ClarisWorks WWW [HTML] translator, results will vary depending on the web browser being used to capture the page. Below are some guidelines for using the HTML translator.

If you are saving a document from Netscape Navigator, choose Save As, and choose source from the pop-up menu in the Save As dialog box. Save the document to your local drive. Then open the resulting saved document from ClarisWorks with the WWW [HTML] translator.

If using Mosaic, make sure you have the latest version (2.0.1 is the latest version at time of this printing). Best results are achieved when using the View Source command under the File menu.

When using the View Source command in Mosaic, make sure you have a text editor helper application set up in preferences. When you choose View Source the text editor will open up a document full of HTML code. Save this document out of your text editor, and open the resulting saved document in ClarisWorks with the WWW [HTML] translator.

The steps for making sure the file gets opened with the HTML translator and not the TEXT translator for all web browsers are as follows:

Warning: There is currently a non-certified version of the HTML language that has recently become very popular and is not supported by the ClarisWorks HTML translator. The new HTML information will be translated to literal HTML tags. This will usually be red-colored text surrounded by < > with black text interspersed within.

<Text-2>My Home Page </Text>

In short, the HTML translator tries to make everything as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) as possible, but will give you literal HTML tags if the information is not included in the HTML commands included in the translator.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012