High Density Floppy Drive Required to Install ClarisImpact 2.0

There are no 800k disks available in the fulfillment system to install on older machines.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

The box for ClarisImpact 2.0 Macintosh states that a High Density (HD) 1.4mb floppy drive is required to install the product. While ClarisImpact will run on some machines that only have an 800K drive, specifically any Macintosh with a 68000 processor or higher, there are no disks available to install it.

Should you wish to install ClarisImpact and don't have a High Density Drive, consider these options:

1) If your Macintosh is on a network, install from a Server or shared volume. The Installation Guide gives detailed instructions on how to copy disks to a server for installation from a guesting Macintosh.

2) Install the ClarisImpact (temporarily so as not to violate licensing) onto a computer that does have an HD drive. Then use some compression utility (such as DiskDoubler or Stuffit) to move the parts onto 800k disks so that they can be copied to the Macintosh with the 800k drive. Refer to the TechInfo Brief entitled " ClarisImpact 2.0 Disk Contents (Macintosh) and Installation Guide" for a detailed account of which files get installed in which locations.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012