This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Note: Some objects may appear off the page because of the scaling procedure, however they are still available by choosing Select All from the Edit menu.
3. Move any objects as necessary to get them positioned properly.
4. Choose Select all from the Edit menu, then choose Copy.
5. Open a new Paint document.
6. Choose Resolution and Depth from the Format menu and set the resolution to 288 or 300 dpi. You may need to increase the amount of RAM allocated for ClarisWorks to 4 MB or so to do this as larger resolution document take more memory to create.
7. Choose Paste from the Edit menu to paste the logo into the paint document.
8. Choose Save As from the File menu, then choose the file type to PICT so that this image can be used in other documents or applications.
The paint document version of the logo will view and print properly, even if the computer does not have the fonts that were used to create the image. However, the text is no longer editable. Converting a drawing or text to PICT format or a paint document drops all the editing properties for the text or graphic. Therefore, you should keep the original draw document in case you need to edit the text later.