The following is from the ClarisImpact 1.0v4 Important Information file:
The installer includes a custom install option to update the fonts included with previous versions of ClarisImpact.
If you are updating from ClarisImpact 1.0v3 or earlier, we recommend running this installer option. The fonts provided with this version of ClarisImpact are "Harmonized." This means that the Roman type face (ex:BernhardMod BT) is marked so that it knows about its Bold (BernhardMod Bd BT), Italic (BernhardMod It BT), and Bold Italic (BernhardMod BdIt BT) counterparts.
Once the fonts have been updated, the Bold and Italic versions of the fonts are no longer displayed in the Font menu. However, because the font names have changed, updating these fonts may cause uninstalled font alerts in documents created by other applications. To update the Fonts:
1) Select the Customize option in the Installer window.
2) Scroll down the list of installer options and select the appropriate ClarisImpact Update Font item for your current system.
3) Click install.
The installer will replace the old fonts with the new ones. This version of ClarisImpact will automatically update the old font information in ClarisImpact documents, styles, and libraries when these documents are opened and saved.