Auto-delete the Contents of a Field

A method for erasing field contents across a group of records

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

It is possible to erase the contents of a field across all records. This process is triggered manually, and using a macro, it is followed through automatically.

For example, after selecting the records for a mailing and having printed the corresponding labels, you may want to erase the identification character typed in the field called "Mailing." To accomplish this task, you create the following macro.

The steps for creating this solution with the ClarisWorks application for the Macintosh are as follows:

1. Click in the Mailing field in the first record.

2. Using the keyboard shortcut command, Shift-J, create a macro called "Erase Field Contents."

3. Type Command-A to highlight the contents of the field and click on the Delete key. Then click on the mailing field in the next record by typing Command-Return. Continue by typing the keyboard shortcut to trigger the macro (Command-Shift-J). End recording the macro.

To use the macro, simply click in the mailing field for the first record to erase and launch the macro using the keyboard Shortcut. Type Command-Period to stop the macro once you have reached the last record selected.

In ClarisWorks for Windows
Follow the same steps as for the Macintosh. The following keyboard combinations: Command-Shift-J is Shift-Ctrl-J.macro, delete, erase field

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012