ClarisWorks 4.0: Spelling Checker Changes and Features

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
There are several new features available in the new "world-ready" speller that were not in the previous spelling checkers. The spelling checker now supports Japanese and other non-Roman scripts. However, it still does not support Arabic or Hebrew. In Japanese applications, the spelling checker works on all Roman text, whether it is one-byte or two-byte (Romanji). It skips over all two-byte Japanese text (Kanji, Hiragana, and Karakana) when spell-checking a language written in the Roman script. If you are checking a document and the speller finds a misspelled word, you now have the option to change the spelling of a misspelled word by replacing it with a text string made up of characters frommultiple scripts. For example, you can replace misspelled text such as "rennew" with a Kanji character. You can type Roman characters while in the Japanese font, and they will be spell-checked correctly.

If a Japanese font is used within the document, the context window will display the Japanese font. Each individual character in the context window appears in the font used for that character in the document. (See Figure below.)

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012