International Language Packs for ClarisWorks 3.0 for Windows

International language packs for ClarisWorks 3.0 for Windows support French, German, Spanish, U.K. English, and U.S. English

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

International language packs are available for ClarisWorks 3.0 for Windows software in the following languages:

* French
* German
* Spanish
* U.K. English
* U.S. English

International language packs for Windows are to be used with Claris 32-bit Windows applications. ClarisWorks 3.0 for Windows is the only 32-bit Windows application that Claris is currently shipping.

Note: International language packs for Windows are not suitable for use with ClarisWorks 1.0 for Windows or FileMaker Pro 2.0 for Windows, since they are 16-bit applications.

How to install international language packs for Windows
There is no special installation programs for the dictionary files included in the international language packs. Copy the dictionary files directly from the international language packs disk to the Claris directory on your hard disk using any Windows file copying function. The customary path name for the Claris directory is:


Dictionary types are distinguished by their file extension:

*.msp indicates a main spelling dictionary

*.chy indicates a hyphenation dictionary
*.mth indicates a thesaurus

How to select and use international language packs for Windows

1. Launch ClarisWorks 3.0, and open a document.
2. Choose Edit-Writing Tools-Select Dictionaries from the menu. The Selection Dictionary dialog box will appear.
3. Use the pop-up menu at the top of the dialog box to specify the dictionary type desired.

Choose                   To
Main Dictionary          Install a main spelling dictionary
User Dictionary          Install a user spelling dictionary
Hyphenation Dictionary   Install a hyphenation dictionary
Thesaurus                Install a thesaurus

4. Select the dictionary file for the desired language in the Open dialog box. By default, the dictionary files are located in the \\windows\\claris directory.
5. Click Select; then click Done to return to the document.

ClarisWorks 3.0 will now use the dictionary you have selected to perform the corresponding function (spell checking, hyphenation, or thesaurus look-up).

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012