Importing WordPerfect 6.0 (*.DOC;*.WPD Files) Into ClarisWorks 3.0v1 for Windows

ClarisWorks does not show a listing of files of type *.WPD.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

When selecting WordPerfect 6.0 (*.DOC;*.WPD) for the file type to import into a word processing document, in the File entry box, ClarisWorks for Windows 3.0 will put a period at the end of WPD extension. This makes it so ClarisWorks for Windows will not show any '.WPD' files.

To recreate, follow these steps:

Select Open from the File menu.
Click import Option Chevron.
Click radio button for Word Processing.
Select WordPerfect 6.x (*.wpd;*.doc)
FileName box list *.doc;*.wpd.

This has been fixed in the 3.0v2 release of ClarisWorks. To upgrade to the new version you can call Claris at (800)544-8544, or you can download the updater from the ClarisBBS at (408)987-7421 via modem.

To download the updater for ClarisWorks 3.0v2 follow either of the groups of steps below once you are logged onto the Bulletin Board Service:
- From the Main menu type "F" for Files
- Type "I" for Information / Updates
- Type "A" for Claris Product Updaters
- Select the file CLW30V2.ZIP

- From the Main menu type "F" for Files

- Type "D" for Download File
- Type in the file name "CLW30v2.ZIP"

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012