ClarisWorks for Windows has a default setting which limits the number of fonts displayed in the Font menu to 22. The type and number of fonts installed on your system is what is initially responsible for determining which 22 fonts appear in the menu. ClarisWorks finds these fonts in the following order: ATM fonts, Windows screen/plotter fonts (MS Serif, MS Sans Serif, Modern, Roman, Script), TrueType, and lastly, printer fonts. So, for example, if you have 22 or more ATM fonts installed on your computer, the ClarisWorks Font menu will display only ATM fonts, regardless of the other types of fonts which may also be installed.
You can add fonts to the menu by choosing the "Other" command at the bottom of the Font menu. If you add a font without increasing the 22-font limit, the font you chose will be added and the least recently used font will be removed. This command can also be used to apply a font not in the menu to highlighted text without adding the font to the menu. This is the recommended procedure for applying a seldom-used font.
The total number of fonts displayed in the menu can be increased by changing the number of the MaxFonts= line in the [ClarisWorks] section of the Claris.ini file to some number higher than 22. This file is normally located in the \\Windows directory and can be opened and edited using Notepad, Write, or any other text editor.
******** WARNING: at approximately 70 fonts, ClarisWorks begins to exhibit erratic behavior. This is due to the functioning of the Windows core file GDI.EXE and the limited nature of its resources. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that this procedure be used only in cases where there is a compelling need to have an increased number of fonts displayed in the menu and that the number of increased fonts be kept as low as possible.