How to Wrap Text Inside or Fill a Shape with Text

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Although this technique is suitable for ClarisImpact, it can also be applied to a drawing object in ClarisWorks and ClarisDraw. The trick is to create objects that surround your shape. These objects will keep your text between their boundaries, and it will only appear that your original object is the boundary.

Here are the steps to accomplish this:

1. Draw a circle with a 3�?inch diameter. This will be the object you wish to fill.
2. Using the polygon tool, click first near the top of the circle, then click several points along the left side of the circle until you reach the bottom. Then click to the left of the circle, once at the bottom, and once at the top (Figure 1, Step 1).

Note: The more points you use in outlining the circle, the more accuracy you will get.

3. Now select the new object, and duplicate it.
4. Move the duplicate to the right side of the circle.
5. Flip it horizontally.
6. Select each of the bounding objects and set the text wrap to Irregular
(Figure 1, Step 2).
7. With the polygon objects still selected, change the pen weight (line thickness)

to None. The objects will appear to vanish.
8. Turn on Frame Links (linked text) in the Options or Text menu. ('On' will be indicated
by a checkmark next to the option.)
9. With the Text tool, click and drag an outline (frame) surrounding the whole circle.
10. Type within the text frame, and note that the text appears to 'fill' the circle.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012