Setting the Sleep Mode on LaserWriter Pro Printers
The contents of this disk allow you to set the sleep mode on a LaserWriter Pro printer. The sleep mode is the period of time a printer waits when not printing before going to sleep. In sleep mode, the LaserWriter Pro printer use approximately 70% less power than when in normal idle mode. To set the period of time before the LaserWriter Pro printer goes to sleep, perform the following steps:
1. Select the desired printer in the Chooser.
2. Double-click on the LaserWriter Utility icon.
3. Select Download PostScript File... from the Utilities menu.
4. Double-click on the file corresponding to the length of time you would would like the LaserWriter Pro printer to wait before going to sleep. For example, to select 30 minutes, double-click on the file named 30 Minute Sleep Mode.
5. The next dialog asks you to Save PostScript output as a file. For most users, the default name PostScript Log is acceptable, so just click on the Save. If you have previously set the sleep mode, another dialog box will appear asking if you would like to Replace or Cancel, click on Replace.
6. Print any page. One interesting page to print from within the LaserWriter Utility is the Configuration Page. To print it, select Print Configuration Page from the Utilities menu. Then click on Print in the next dialog box.
You have now set the sleep mode on the LaserWriter Pro printer. After the printer has not printed for the sleep mode period you have set, the printer will go to sleep. The first page you send when the printer is sleeping will take approximately 30 seconds longer to print than when not in sleeping. In essence it takes 30 seconds for the printer to wake up.